Tuesday, November 12, 2024

windows symbolic link or soft link

 Yes, you can create a symbolic link (soft link) in Windows to point C:\actions-runner to C:\actions-runner-win-x64-2.313.0. This will allow your projects to continue using the C:\actions-runner path while actually referring to the C:\actions-runner-win-x64-2.313.0 directory.

To create a symbolic link in Windows, you can use the mklink command in the Command Prompt (CMD) with administrator privileges. Here's how to do it:

  1. Open Command Prompt as Administrator:

    • Press Win + X and select "Command Prompt (Admin)" or "Windows PowerShell (Admin)"
  2. If the C:\actions-runner directory already exists, you'll need to remove it first:

    rmdir C:\actions-runner
  3. Create the symbolic link:

    mklink /D C:\actions-runner C:\actions-runner-win-x64-2.313.0

    The /D flag is used to create a directory symbolic link.

After running this command, C:\actions-runner will be a symbolic link pointing to C:\actions-runner-win-x64-2.313.0. Your projects can continue to use C:\actions-runner in their configurations, and Windows will automatically redirect to the actual folder.


  • You need administrator privileges to create symbolic links.
  • Some applications might not follow symbolic links, but most modern Windows applications and services should work fine with them.
  • If you update or replace the GitHub Actions runner in the future, you may need to update the symbolic link to point to the new directory.

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