Monday, January 31, 2022

git notes




local -- specific repo(used for a having different project repoes on the machine)

global-- for your user account

system -- for all users logged into the system

git config --global

global configuration file: ~/.gitconfig

git config --global --list

git config --global color.ui true

configure line endings:


#auto carriage return line field..for windows true(while pushing rmemoves carriae return and downloading keeps it) for linux/mac input-->(removes carriage returns)

git config --global core.autocrlf

line endings are different in linux(only line feed) and windows(carriage return and line feed).

so in git, it will show as all lines are changed.

configuring aliases:


git config --global alias.s "status -s"

git config --global alias.lg "log --oneline --all --graph --decorate" ---> oneline all branches in graph with additional info.

rename a file in git:


git mv index.html home.htm  (renames and adds to staging)

git add -A ---> add all filles including deletions

delete a file:


git rm contact.html (deletes and add to staging)

.gitognore file




git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore

git commit -am "message" #adds modified files to staging and commits, not for untracked files



git branch search --> creates a new branchh

git checkout search 

git checkout -b search2 --> creates and checkout

fast-forward merge


git checkout master

git merge search

git branch -d dearch

no fast forward


git merge --no-ff my_account_branch #opens a text editor with merge commit message


day 2


git diff --> shows unstaged changes

git diff --staged --> shows staged changes

git diff HEAD --> shows dufferences between working directory and last commit, both staged and unstaged changes

#explain about origin, forking and cloning, pull request with fork and same repo branches. merging a pull request, comments in it.

# Adding multiple origins,

when we create a pull request in github, it will point to branch,not commit. So new commmits will automatically show in pull request, after submitting it.


day 3


git rebasing: to chnage the starting point of a branch.

from feature2, run

git rebase master --> now featurer 2 starting point chnaged with lastest commits of master

git pull --rebase ---> uupdates content from the remote branch and set the origin point

difference between fetch and pull:


git pull--> fetches the changes and merge them to local branch

remotes/origin/master --> last fetched copy of remote branch

git fetch will fetches the origin master branch and syncs it with remotes/origin/master

can check using: git log[/checkout] origin/master ---> in a detached head anyway


git pull origin master: equavalant to:

git fetch

git checkout master

git merge origin/master


merge vs rebase in pull:


let's fetch a new commit from remote branch of master.

Also made an extra change in local master.

now we will be having a divergent history for two commits.

git pull below will do the rebase.:

git pull --rebase

default will do merge.

tags and releases:


git tag v1.0.0

git tag -a v1.0.1 -m "this was updated messafe" ---> annotated tag, when ran -->git show , will show who tagged and when tagged.

git log

# tages and releases yet to explain in next class

# github desktop and show undo concepts in it.


any new commit saves in .git/objects/<first two letters of commit>/<remaining characters as file name>

git cat-file -p <commit-short-id>

if not in 2.0 version of git, set below config to push only to your branch as default instead of all branches.

git config --global push.default simple


git checkout <tagname>

git checkout -b rb1.0

git tag -a v1.0.0a -m "quick fix to home page bug"

cherry-pick copies the commit to your branch but will generate as a new sha1 hash 

git checkout rb3

git cherry-pick <commitid>

git cherry-pick -n <cmmitid> ---> add the commit chnages to staging area, not as a new commit

To apply a change to multiple branches:


git stash ---> saves the working directory to a separate stash you can apply changes to different branches.Like adding legal notices,etc

git checkout releae_branch

git stash apply ---> resolve if any merge conflicts..and save the changes in the stash to this branch

finally on master branch where stash created:  git stash pop ---> clears the stash and keeps in working copy and we can commit the working copy.

push a tag to github:


git push --tags

undo in git


git revert <commitid>---> creates a new commit as exact opposite to the commit selected.


git commit --amend  ---> adding modification to previous commit only and also updates the message. 

git show <commitid> --> shows the details of files/changes to commit

git reset --soft HEAD~2 --> 2 commits, leaves the files in staging area

--hard --> will blow the complete work away

--mixed (default one) --> blow away the commit but keeps the data in the working area.

reflog --  get data back from history

git reflog --->show historic commit

git reset --hard <commitid>

git cherry-pick <commitid>   ---> brings this to the top of head.

git reset --harf HEAD~1

git checkout -b tmp <commitid>

git checkout tmp

git rebase master

rebase interactive:


git rebase -i HEAD~5 --> it opens the editor with commits showing in each line, the last 5. And we can edit the messages of it

change the pick to f in front of any commit, that will be merged with its previous commit.

r will just update the message

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