properties, to pass data between components.
class Cars extends Component{ render(){ console.log(this.props); return( <div> <h3>from cars component</h3> <p>{this.props.msg}</p> <p>{this.props.model}</p> </div> ); } }
can be called in jsx of another component.
<Cars />
to pass data.
<Cars msg="cars are cool" />
read inside of cars using {this.props.msg}
we can pass multiple properties like this.
<Cars msg="cars are cool" model="34567"/>
To pass on an object.
crete object, outside calling class so preceded with class name.
cars: ['BMW','MERC','City','Audi']
In jsx,
<Cars msg="cars are cool" model="34567" coolCars={}/>
class Cars extends Component{ render(){ console.log(this.props); return( <div> <h3>from cars component</h3> <p>{this.props.msg}</p> <p>{this.props.model}</p> <p>{this.props.coolCars}</p> <p>{,i)=>{ return i+" "+item+<br>; })}</p> </div> ); } }
property types
propObject: React.PropTypes.object,
//Similarly for function,boolean,array,etc.
propNumber: 3,
propString: "hhkjhjk",
propObject: {
obj1: "jjkkj",
obj2: "khkjhjk"
obj3: "kjkjkl"
And call in another class using in jsx:
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