variables and constants:
old syntax: var
es6: let
Data types:
Dynamic language, no need to mentioned datatype during variable declaration and can be changed at runtime later.
primities/value types:
Reference types:
addition +
subtraction -
multiplication *
exponent **
division /
reminder %
assign a value =
post and pre increment ++ and decrement --
++ x++ is equal to x = x + 1
x+=5 --> x = x + 5 similarly for other operators also like addition
returns boolean values.
> , >= , < , <= , === , !==
equality operator ==(loose equality: same value) and ===(Strict equality: same value and type)
'1' == 1 (true)
'1' === 1 (false)
conditional/ternary operator: ?=
&& -- if both are true then true
|| -- or
! -- not
Bitwise: & , |
break and continue is like c language to stop/goto next iteration of loop.
return keyword to comeout of function or return a value.
Objects are dynamic in JS, we can modify them even after creation.
Primitives are copied by their value and Objects are copied by their reference.
constructor property:
Enumerating Properties:
Inside {} we can keep $() to expand vars or expressions.
old syntax: var
es6: let
let name; //create a variable.but value: undefined let name1 = 'test1',name2 = "test2"; console.log(name); //prints on browser console. //variable name: no reserve keywords. const interestRate = 0.3;//constants
Data types:
Dynamic language, no need to mentioned datatype during variable declaration and can be changed at runtime later.
let a1 = "testing"; console.log(typeof a1);
primities/value types:
let name='Mosh';//String literal let age= 30;//Number literal let isApproved = false;//Booean literal let firstName = undefined; let selectedCOlor = null;
Reference types:
let person = { name: "fname", age: 30 }; console.log(person); //dot notation = 'fname1'; console.log(; //bracket notation person['name'] = "fname2" console.log(; //using bracket notation we can access dynamically like below. let selection = 'name'; person[selection] = 'asdas';
let selectedColors = ['red','blue']; selectedColors[2] = 'green';//added one more element as size is dynamic. selectedColors[3] = 123 console.log(selectedColors[0]); typeof selectedColors//array is also an object in javascript
//function declaration function fnname(){ console.log('Hello !!'); } //function declaration with parameter function fnname1(name, lastName){ console.log('Hello '+ name + '!!'); } fnname(); //calling a function fnname1('name 1');//passing argument,2nd value will be undefined fnname1('name 1','name 2');//passing argument
addition +
subtraction -
multiplication *
exponent **
division /
reminder %
assign a value =
post and pre increment ++ and decrement --
++ x++ is equal to x = x + 1
x+=5 --> x = x + 5 similarly for other operators also like addition
returns boolean values.
> , >= , < , <= , === , !==
equality operator ==(loose equality: same value) and ===(Strict equality: same value and type)
'1' == 1 (true)
'1' === 1 (false)
conditional/ternary operator: ?=
&& -- if both are true then true
|| -- or
! -- not
Bitwise: & , |
break and continue is like c language to stop/goto next iteration of loop.
return keyword to comeout of function or return a value.
let hour = 10; if(hour>= 6 && hour < 12) console.log('Good morning'); else if (hour >= 12 && hour < 18) console.log('Good afternoon'); else console.log('Good evening'); --- let role = 'guest'; switch (role) { case 'guest': console.log('Guest User'); break; case 'moderator': console.log('Moderator User'); break; default: console.log('Unknown User'); } if (role === 'guest') console.log('Guest'); else if (role === 'moderator') console.log('Moderator'); else console.log('Unknown User'); //LOOPS //------ //For for (let i = 5; i <= 5; i++){ if(i%2 !== 0) console.log(i); } //While let i = 0; while( i <= 5){ if(i%2 !== 0) console.log(i); i++; } //Do..while let i = 9; do{ if (i % 2 !== 0) console.log(i); i++; }while (i<=5); // const person = {name: 'dsas' , age:30}; for (let key in person) console.log(key, person[key]); const colors = ['red','green','blue'] for (let index in colors) console.log(index, colors[index]); //For..of const colors = ['red','green','blue'] for (let color of colors) console.log(color);
Objects are dynamic in JS, we can modify them even after creation.
Primitives are copied by their value and Objects are copied by their reference.
//Ex: mentioned as constant and defined one property. const circle = { radius: 1 } //we will get error if we try circle = {}; as we defined it as const.But we can add new. circle.color = 'yellow'; circle.draw = function(){} delete circle.color; delete circle.draw; const circle = { radius: 1, location: { x: 1, y: 1 }, isVisible: true, draw: function(){ console.log('draw'); } }; circle.draw();//Method //--create multible objects using factory function //factory function to create objects function createCircle(radius) { return{ radius, draw(){ console.log('draw'); } }; } const circle1 = createCircle(1); console.log(circle1); const circle2 = createCircle(2); console.log(circle2); //camel notation: oneTwoThree //Pascal notation: OneTwoThree //using constructors to create objects function Circle(radius){ this.radius = radius; this.draw = function(){ console.log('draw'); } }
const circle = new Circle(1);
constructor property:
Enumerating Properties:
Inside {} we can keep $() to expand vars or expressions.
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