Thursday, November 21, 2019

Signing Unsigned Drivers

Signing Unsigned drivers:
When we install the unsigned drivers on any machine, the target operating system (Vista) may popup with a warning message as shown below.

To avoid such pop-ups it is advisable to sign an unsigned driver with the below steps:
Tools used:
Below tools will be used to driver signing,

Install WinqualSubmissionTool.msi. This will install INF2CAT.exe to the below location. Also copy the remaining tools (Singtool.exe, makecert.exe, CertMgr.exe) to the same location as shown below.

1.       Create a Catalog File(CAT) from INF file using INF2CAT.exe
2.       Then sign the CAT file with a certificate(.cer) using signtool.exe
3.       If the certificate file(.cer) is not available then create one using makecert.exe
4.       Before you install the driver package, you must add your test certificates into the certificate store on the target test machine using the tool Certmgr.exe

Process for the driver signing using a new certificate is explained in the following steps:-
A typical PnP driver contains INF file, SYS file and other supporting files (DLL etc) to install it on the target machine. If the CAT file is not present we need to first create a CAT file which can be signed using some certificate file.
For example, below are the driver files which we will use for signing.

  1. Look for the INF file. Make sure that what all .sys and .dll or any other files which are mentioned in the INF file are available along with the INF file.

In the below example GTwinUSB.inf -> section [SourceDisksFiles]
Files listed are GTwinUSB.sys and GTwinUSB.inf

2.       Make an entry in the INF file as CatalogFile and give a name by which catalog file (.cat) needs to be created. Normally it can be given as the same name as the INF file name or as installing driver name. If there is no entry for CatalogFile then we will get error while creating the .cat file.
  1. Make sure that DriverVer entry in .INF file as a proper format. Date should be in mm/dd/yyyy format and version should be in x.x.x.x format. If the format is not correct we will get error while creating the .cat file.

For example: (Always give current date)

  1. Once the entries have been made into INF file, save and close the INF file. Copy the modified INF file and only the required files mentioned in the INF file to a new location. For example in this case the INF file has entries for 1 .sys file, then copy these files along with the new modifies INF file to a newly created directory (for example to C:\For_Signing\Driver_GemPCUSB).

  1. Use the following command line to create the .cat file.

Inf2Cat.exe /driver:"<Path to driver files>" /os:Vista_X86 /verbose

The arguments to Inf2Cat are the following:
Indicates the path to the folder that contains the driver package files.
Indicates the operating systems targeted by the driver package. OSValue is a comma-separated list that contains one or more of the following values: 2000 XP_X86, Server2003_X86, Vista_X86, XP_X64, Server2003_X64, Vista_X64, or Server2003_IA64.
      /verbose : This is for logging
For Example:
C:\>"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Winqual Submission Tool 2\Inf2Cat.exe" /driver:"C:\For_Signing\Driver_GemPCUSB" /os:Vista_X86 /verbose

It will start processing the .INF file and will create the .CAT file at the same location.
In case there are any errors or warnings during creating the .CAT file, the verbose mode will show the error and on the basis of the error or warning the issue can be resolved.
In the above snapshot, please note the status message ‘Signability test complete’ and ‘Catalog generation complete’
Below snapshot shows the CAT file generated.

6.       Once we have the .CAT file ready we need to create a certificate file (.cer) and then by using that certificate file we need to digitally sign the .CAT file.

To create a certificate file we need to have makecer.exe. Makecert.exe will also create a .pvk file along with .cer file.

.pvk file is for private key which will contain the encrypted password for the certificate and the same .pvk file will be used whenever we need to sign some catalog using the .cer file.

Command line to use the makecert.exe is as below:-

MakeCert.Exe -r -pe <path to .cer file> -n CN=<certificate name> -sv <path to .pvk file> -len 2048

                -r                  Create a self signed certificate
                -n                  Certificate subject \ name \issued to name (e.g.: CN=DrvSign)
-pe                 Location to create the certificate file
-sv                 Location to create the private key file
-len                Generated Key Length (Bits)

For example if we give the below command line to create a certificate file:-

C:\>"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Winqual Submission Tool 2\makecert.exe" -r -pe "C:\For_Signing\Driver_GemPCUSB\SOEasy.cer" -n CN=SOEasyCert -sv "C:\For_Signing\
Driver_GemPCUSB\SOEasyPvk.pvk" -len 2048

Once the above command line is executed it prompts for a password for the private key file.
Type any password and confirm the same password to create a .pvk file.

Make sure to remember the password provided to create the .pvk file as the same password will be used to certify the .CAT files created by the method above
It will then ask again to enter the Private Key password. Enter the same password which was typed in the last screen.

Once this is done the command prompt will display a message as “Succeeded” and the required Certificate file will get created along with the private key file.

Below highlighted is the .cer and .pvk file created,

7.       Now we have the certificate ready using which we need to sign the .cat file created previously.
To sign the .cat file we need to use the signtool.exe
Run the signtool.exe with parameter as “signwizard” which will open up a wizard for digitally signing of the files.
Running the command “signtool.exe" signwizard will open a wizard screen as below:-
1.       Click ‘Next’

2.  Browse to the cat file.

2.       Select ‘custom’-(All advanced options will be there )
          4 .  Select the .cer file by clicking the button ‘Select from File...’  as shown below

Choose ‘SOEasy.cer’ file and click ‘open’. Certificate details are displayed below

Click ‘Next’

In the below wizard, Select for the ‘Private Key file on disk’ in the screen below and browse for the .pvk file which was created earlier.

It will prompt for the .pvk file password. Enter the same password which was given at the time of the .pvk file creation.            
Click ‘ok’

 Select the default algorithm (sha1) which will be used for the .cat file signing.

Select “Only the signature certificate” and click next. This way it will only use the certificate file created to for signing of the .cat file.

Give the description and click ‘Next.’

Leave “Web location” screen as it is and click next.

Next screen will show up the details about the certificate before actually signing it

Once ‘Finish’ is clicked it will again ask for private key password. Enter the same password as used earlier.

If you go the .cat file which got signed now. Right Click the cat file and  go to ‘Properties->Digital Signatures’ it will show the name of signer as ‘SOEasy’

But if you go the .cat file which got signed now and double click on this, it will show up as invalid security catalog as shown in below screenshot.

8.       Now the last step will be to add the certificate file to the Trusted Root (certificate store) to the target local machine where we are going to install the driver.

Even if the drivers we are installing are getting installed with signed catalog file they won’t be recognized as singed until and unless the certificate is added in the trusted root of the local machine or is present in the domain.
        To add the certificate created to the Trusted Root of the local machine we need to execute the below command before we actually initiate the driver installation. This can be handled by using a custom action which will copy the necessary files to the local machine and then execute the exe to add the certificate to Trusted Root of local machine. The only important point here is that the custom action must be executed before the drivers are getting installed.
CertMgr.Exe -add <path to certificate file with name.cer" -s -r localMachine ROOT
CertMgr.Exe -add <path to certificate file with name.cer" -s -r localMachine trustedpublisher
Adds the certificate in the certificate file to a certificate store.
Indicates the certificate store is a system store.
Indicates that the registry location of the system store is under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE key.
Root or trustedpublisher
       Indicates the name of the system certificate store
For example:
C:\> C:\>"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Winqual Submission Tool 2\CertMgr.Exe" -add " C:\For_Signing\Driver_GemPCUSB \SOEEasyCert.cer" -s -r localMachine ROOT
After executing the above command  a successful message will be shown as ‘CertMgr Succeeded’

C:\> C:\>"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Winqual Submission Tool 2\CertMgr.Exe" -add " C:\For_Signing\Driver_GemPCUSB \SOEEasyCert.cer" -s -r localMachine trustedpublisher
After executing the above command  a successful message will be shown as ‘CertMgr Succeeded’

9.       Now go to cat file and double click to see the Catalog file is valid

10.   Now you can follow any method to install the signed driver.
Below example shows the installation of signed driver (the one which we just signed ) using dpinst.exe
Note: Silent options are available for dpinst.exe to install the driver with no dialogs.

Copy ‘dpinst.exe’ to the location where the driver files are present as shown below.

Run ‘dpinst.exe’. Go through the following dialogs.

Click ‘Next’

As you can see the drivers are successfully installed with no popup messages.

Verify the installed drivers in


More commands for reference:

windows adk:

signtool.exe /f <certificatefile> /d <description> /fd SHA1

Microsoft Strong Cryptographic Provider

SignTool verify /v /pa

SignTool verify /v /pa /c DriverFileName


pvk2pfx /pvk
    pvkfilename.pvk [/pi pvkpassword] /spc spcfilename.ext [/pfx pfxfilename.pfx

CertMgr.Exe -add <path to certificate file with name.cer" -s -r localMachine ROOT

To convert pvk to pfx:
pvk2pfx.exe /pvk  pvkfilename.pvk [/pi pvkpassword] /spc certificate.cer [/pfx pfxfilename.pfx]

To sign a .cat file by pfx file :

Signtool.exe sign /f <pfx file> /p <pfx password> <cat file>

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