To write C# code, you need Microsoft Visual Studio. Visual Studio comes in different editions:
Community, Professional and Ultimate.
As an individual, or a student or a small team, you can download Visual Studio Community Edition
for free and build your free or paid apps with it. To download Visual Studio Community Edition,
please visit:
ReSharper is a commercial plug-in for Visual Studio.
You don't need to have ReSharper, but having it installed, helps you write code a lot faster with less work.
You can get a free 30-day trial version of ReSharper if you like to use it.
If you're a student or work in open-source projects, you can get a free license.
Community, Professional and Ultimate.
As an individual, or a student or a small team, you can download Visual Studio Community Edition
for free and build your free or paid apps with it. To download Visual Studio Community Edition,
please visit:
ReSharper is a commercial plug-in for Visual Studio.
You don't need to have ReSharper, but having it installed, helps you write code a lot faster with less work.
You can get a free 30-day trial version of ReSharper if you like to use it.
If you're a student or work in open-source projects, you can get a free license.
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